Website Under Construction

We are working on something awesome for you!

Stay tuned for updates.

My Road map is always evolving.
So far I have been able to write my code for:
Request Count    Total Days = 6
Date Doc Type Count
============ ============ ==== =====
20/09/2023 Document # 2
20/09/2023 Version @ 2
20/09/2023 Ai a 8
20/09/2023 Ai Persona d 10
20/09/2023 Server b 4
20/09/2023 Website c 10
20/09/2023 Business e 31
20/09/2023 SEO f 1
============ ============ = ==
Version 0.0.1 15/09/2023
#0 - Document Management.
@0 - Version Management.
a - Artificial Intelligence.
a.1 - Train Knowledge Assistant STAN.
a.2 - Train Sales Assistant ABBEY.
b - Server Management.
b.1 - Setup HTTPS, HTTP Server.
b.2 - Setup MySQL, NoSQL Server.
c - Website Management.
c.1 - Regsiter Domain Name.
c.2 - Image Folder.
c.3 - Function Folder.
c.4 - Security Folder.
c.5 - Under Construction page.
c.6 - Landing Page
c.7 - Login Page.
c.8 - Logout Page.
c.9 - Profile Page.
d - Persona Management.
d.1 - Create Avatar ABBEY.
d.2 - Create ABBEY Personality .
d.3 - Create ABBEY YouTube Stream .
d.4 - Create ABBEY Twitter Stream .
d.5 - Create ABBEY Snapchat Stream .
d.6 - Create Avatar STAN.
d.7 - Create STAN Personality .
d.8 - Create STAN YouTube Stream .
d.9 - Create STAN Twitter Stream .
d.10 - Create STAN Snapchat Stream .
e - Business Management.
e.1 - Update ABN.
e.2 - Update GST.
e.3 - Update AWS Account.
e.4 - Create G-Mail Regsitration Address.
e.5 - Create Logo.
e.6 - Create Blurb.
e.7 - Create Colour Palette.
e.8 - Create Insurance.
e.9 - Create Website Contract.
e.10 - Create Discord Account.
e.11 - Create Facebook Account.
e.12 - Create Twitter Account.
e.13 - Create Snapchat Account.
e.14 - Create GPT Account.
e.15 - Create MidJourney Account.
e.16 - Create Docusign Account.
e.17 - Create Invideo Io Account.
e.18 - Create printify Account.
e.19 - Create etsy Account.
e.20 - Create Cody Account.
e.21 - Create Voiceflow Account.
e.22 - Create Chatbase Account.
e.23 - Create Botpress Account.
e.24 - Create Grammerly Account.
e.25 - Create Runway Account.
e.26 - Create SeaArt Ai Account.
e.27 - Create Hix Ai Account.
e.28 - Create Stack Ai Account.
e.29 - Create HeyGen Ai Account.
e.30 - Create ElevenLabs Ai Account.
e.31 - Create Airtable Ai Account.
Version 0.0.2 19/09/2023
b - Server Management.
b.3 - Deploy HTTPS, HTTP Server.
b.4 - Deploy MySQL, NoSQL Server.
a - Artificial Intelligence.
a.3 - Deploy PUBLIC Assistant "ABBEY".
a.4 - Deploy PRIVATE Assistant "STAN".
c - Website Management.
c.10 - Deploy under construction landing page.
Version 0.0.3 19/09/2023
#1 - Update Document Control.
a - Artificial Intelligence.
a.5 - Train PRIVATE Assistant "ISAAC.ASIMOV".
a.6 - Create Avatar ISAAC.ASIMOV.
a.7 - Create ISAAC.ASIMOV Personality .
a.8 - Deploy PRIVATE Assistant "ISAAC.ASIMOV".
Version 0.0.4 20/09/2023
c - Website Management.
c.10 - Add links to page for navigation.
c.11 - Add Graphics to page.
c.11 - Suspend Login link.
f - SEO Management.
f.1 - Create Google Account.
f.1 - Create Bing Account.
f.2 - Add keywords.
f.3 - Add meta file.
f.4 - Add Schema.
f.5 - Add SiteMap to Google.
f.6 - Add SiteMap to Bing.
f.6 - Add BERP Ai News page.
b - Server Management.
b.5 - Associate DNS with Google.
Version 0.0.5 03/10/2023
c - Website Management.
c.12 - Migrated Javascript from V2 to V3.
b - Server Management.
b.4 - Added Tunneling Protocols.
b.4 - Updated .code CLI Protocols.
e - Business Management.
e.32 - Created GITHUB Account.
Version 0.1.1
Deploy Static Website package.
Version 0.1.2
Deploy Dynamic Website package.
Version 0.2.0
a.2 - Train Financial Assistant.
Deploy PUBLIC Financial Assistant.
Version 0.2.0
a.2 - Train CRM Assistant.
Deploy PUBLIC CRM Assistant.
Version 0.3.0
a.2 - Train OHS Assistant.
Deploy PUBLIC OHS Assistant.
Version 0.2.0
a.2 - Train SCM Assistant.
Deploy PUBLIC SCM Assistant.
Version 0.8.0
Beta Release Candiate 1
Version 0.8.5
Beta Release Candiate 2
Version 0.9.0
Alpha Release Candiate 1
Version 0.9.5
Alpha Release Candiate 2
Version 1.0.0
Procedural Orientated Control
Release Canditate 1
Version 2.0.0
Oject Orientated Control
Release Canditate 1
Version 3.0.0
Voice Orientated Control
Release Canditate 1
Bugs List
Date Path Description Fix Status
20/09/2023 Environment Scan All Things are looking OK
20/09/2023 server.html.index.php Pricing Link return NULL text.white Force CSS Hack Pending
20/09/2023 Nav-bar return != Force CSS Hack OK
20/09/2023 Nav-bar return FAIL container.static.nav-bar.zoom.0 Force CSS Hack Pending
Ai Tuning List
Date Path Description Fix Status
18/09/2023 voiceflow.abbey.nomatch.kb19092023 Returns Obtuse dataset Temp limit reduced OK
18/09/2023 voiceflow.abbey.routingTable.abyss Returns NULL on Query then routes to reply on exit Reconfigured Abyss OK
20/09/2023 voiceflow.abbey.welcome.text Returns malformed grammer.welcome.text Update text Pending
20/09/2023 voiceflow.isaac.azimov.influence.choice.state Returns NULL no choice to influence Train with a larger influencing dataset Pending